How to decorate the interior with decorative pillows?

How to decorate the interior with decorative pillows?

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Interior decorating is a true art of creating a harmonious atmosphere and personal style. One of the simplest and at the same time effective ways to refresh the interior are decorative pillows. But how to decorate the interior with them? Here are some tips:

1. Choose the right color palette:

Consider what effect you want to achieve. If your interior is in subdued colors, add color accents with pillows. However, in colorful spaces, choose pillows in neutral shades.

2. Play with patterns:

If your furniture and textiles are plain, add pillows with geometric patterns or flowers. If patterns dominate your style, choose single-color pillows that won't compete with the rest of the space.

3. Mix sizes and shapes:

Don't limit yourself to just standard square pillows. Add a few rectangular or round ones to add variety to the interior.

4. Remember about invoices:

Different cushion materials, such as velvet, linen or cotton, can add depth and complexity to a room. Mix different textures for a richer effect.

5. Don't be afraid to experiment:

Cushions are one of the easiest decorative elements to replace. If you decide you don't like a certain look, you can change the arrangement quickly and cheaply.

Thanks to Sweet Pastels pillowcases, you can be sure that you are choosing the highest quality products that will serve for years and add character to your interior. Our offer includes a wealth of patterns, colors and shapes that will make your interiors even more unique.

If you want an interior with soul and you want it to reflect your style, choose products from Sweet Pastels. Our decorative pillows are not only beautiful, but also functional, which will emphasize the character of your home.